377A Repeal : My thoughts on how it affects housing for the LGBTQ+

In the last few days, there have been countless articles and social debates on the Repeal of 377A and the protection of the definition of marriage. I am not here to debate on that subject. 

However, I have been asked to comment on housing issues and how the repeal of 337A and the tightening of the marriage definition will affect the LGBTQ+ in the long run. So here are my thoughts.

Buying Executive Condo (EC) for LGBTQ+. Is it possible?

In my years of helping LGBTQ+ clients with their home selection in Singapore, most of them would opt for HDB flats either from BTO scheme, or the resale market. For financially better off individuals, they have the additional choice of private properties like condominiums, apartments or even landed housing. However, there is one property class that is often missed out by the LGBTQ+ community - the...

Should You Buy Freehold Or Leasehold Property?

As a real estate professional, this is probably one of the most common question I get? Property buyers are always asking and comparing their property purchase based on the tenure type. Most favouring the freehold option but at the same time lamenting about how expensive it is. Before going into in-depth discussion, let’s first define the different tenure types in Singapore. 3 Types Of Condo...

Should You Buy A New Launch Or A Resale Property?

A common crossroad where investors find themselves in their investing journey is to whether invest in a newly launched property or a property which is on resale. A common argument is that you should invest in a property available for resale when you are a new investor because the element of risk is less in that case, whereas if you are a seasoned investor, then you can invest in a new property launch...

‘Diversity Friendly’ Rental. Does It Exist?

For many Singaporeans, living in a rental may not be the first thing to come to their mind because 91% Singaporeans own a home of their own (according to figure in 2018). So the vast majority of tenant pools comes from expats and foreigners working and living in Singapore, renting up rooms, or whole units of apartments around Singapore. There are small percentage of locals who move out of their home to...

10 features favoured by LGBTQ+ home seekers and the related pitfalls they need to be careful of

Think of Greenwich Village in New York City, West Hollywood in Los Angeles, Castro in San Francisco, Newton in Sydney, and Le Marais in Paris. What do these cities have in common? They are all well known ‘gay villages’ that have gone through gentrification. Formerly known for being less developed and run-down areas, they are now the hip and trendy high-end districts today because of the queer...

Turning 35? What To Consider Before Packing Up To Buy Your Own Place

‘Family’. Yes for the longest time, the idea of public housing and family building goes hand-in-hand. Our founding father, the late Lee Kuan Yew has a vision to build a nation of home-owning society. To his success, over 80% of Singaporeans were living in an HDB by the 1980s. All of us who grew up during these period had been conditioned to accept that one has to live at home with our parents….until...

LGBTQ+ Couples: Things To Consider When Buying A Home Together

When I first started writing about LGBTQ+ property issues, a lot of people asked me what’s so different about the queer community and their property purchase? Isn’t a property purchase the same for all? You simply choose to buy a private or HDB, depending on your available budget and needs. When purchasing a flat from HDB, most people will just opt for the Singapore Single Citizen or Joint Singles...

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